Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fiber Finds

Em and I have both resolved in the past months to include more fiber in our diets, aiming for 25-30 grams per day-- which my doctor father has been advising me to do for years. Fiber is fantastic. It helps your digestion, keeps you free and clear of old debris and toxins (if you know what I mean), and fills you up so you don't get hungry quickly after eating. Fiberful foods like grains, cereals, fruits and veggies also have lots of other great qualities, like lots of vitamins and nutrients, plus delicious flavor, satisfying textures and color. Since I started conciously eating more fiber, my stomach has felt flatter, my digestion has felt better, and I have just been happier overall. Yay, fiber!

In our quest to find high fiber yet tasty foods, Em and I have found a few great gems.

Gem #1: Gnu foods bars. They are delicious (my favorite is banana walnut) and have an amazing amount of fiber- 12g per 140 calorie bar. You can find them online at They are moist, chewy, surprisingly filling, and perfect for breakfast or a snack. I keep a bunch in my office.

Gem #2: Whole grain crisps. There are many varieties. I have tried and liked Akmak, Wasa, and Rykrisp. All are great with soft cheese, peanut butter, jam, dipped in hummus, or with cream cheese and smoked salmon as Em loves to have them for breakfast. Most have 3g of fiber and about 60 calories for two crackers.

I recently found the holy grail of crisps though, at Whole Foods: Kavli, Golden Rye variety. I was so excited when I found these babies in the Union Square Whole Foods in New York, I bought a box and brought them back with me to LA on the plane! 7g of fiber and 60 calories for two crackers. There are other flavors, but only Golden Rye packs this much punch fiber-wise. It's also very tasty. The crackers are light and don't have an overpowering rye taste, but rather just a hint of rye tartness to them. Crispy and cardboard like in a good way, and quite dusty, with a solid crunch. They are quite dry, which makes them great for really soft and moist toppings. I had them with a superb Hudson Valley camembert I bought at Whole Foods, and also with garlicy Rondele spread left over from a party I threw a couple of weeks ago.

Gem #3: Berries. Berries are one of the best low-calorie and high-flavor (and high pleasure) sources of fiber out there. For example, 16 medium sized strawberries have 6g of fiber. And only 100 calories. That's a lot of strawberries! Blueberries and blackberries are also excellent sources.

It is best to get your fiber in natural form (i.e., not through supplements) and with so many tasty options out there, searching for fiber can be a great way to experience yummy and interesting new foods to add to your diet. Remember to drink lots of water to help the fiber work its magic. Trust me, your body will thank you!

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